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Shipping Policies

Deliveries can be in person or with shipping to any part of the country with the requirement that the payment should be by electronic means. The shipping time will be notified by the means of communication through which the order was managed. If your order has not arrived within the predefined period, please contact us through the different channels established in our Contact section.

Return or Refund Policies

In the event that you want to request a refund, return or exchange of the product, the cause must meet one of the following terms:

  • The product must have some fault

  • The delivered product was not correct

THERE WILL BE NO refund, return or exchange in the event that:

  • The customer has regretted making the purchase

  • The customer has regretted buying one model over another

  • The customer has been confused with his purchase

  • The customer asks for a refund after a short period of time from his purchase

All product data is detailed in the Products section. It is important to know the characteristics of each model before purchasing them. For any query of these, you can contact us in various ways, which are explained in the Contact section.

Customer Care

Our products offer a guarantee of quality. Therefore, if you find any fault, problem or difference between what is presented and received, contact us immediately through a detailed channel in the Contact section.

As we seek to take care of the customer throughout the shopping experience, we offer multiple payment methods so that you can choose freely. In addition, we are attentive to communication on all our channels at any time of the day. Therefore, if you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Quality guarantee

Our products contain a warranty for factory defects for 6 to 12 months depending on the product. If your product has a fault within this period, contact us to find out the warranty period for the corresponding product.

Payment methods

We offer the following payment methods:

  1. Cash (pesos or dollars)

  2. Bank transfer (in pesos)

  3. Credit or debit card (with option of installments with interest)

  4. Cryptocurrencies

  5. Paypal (10% surcharge)

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