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What is 5G: why this new technology will blow up the internet everywhere

New mobile networks will benefit not only cell phones, but also device connectivity in smart homes and businesses

5G technology not only allows the connection of cell phones, it is expected that in the future this network will be able to connect sensors integrated in almost all current devices, from agricultural machines to medical devices, successfully creating the concept called "Internet of things" ( IOT for its acronym in English).

Beyond connection speeds, the new generation of networks brings another series of benefits, for example, thanks to "adaptive bandwidth" it will allow the phone to automatically switch to faster internet speeds and consume more battery only when the need. Then, it will be limited only to the level of connection that the device needs, which translates into battery savings when performing low-information activities such as email, text, among others.

Despite the benefits of the 5G network, the new technology requires a more complex infrastructure than the one we have today, since the higher speeds proposed by the new network only work effectively in highly populated areas where the signals travel "short ” between access points; however, the same providers already offer medium and low band 5G connections that would have the capacity to cover more but at considerably lower speeds, an example of this is that the speed of the lowest band is approximately the same speed that it currently has with 4G.

Currently, 5G technology is only available in certain areas of the world such as the United States and Asia; however, it is expected that in 2022 a third of the world's population will have access to it and by 2025, more than half of the planet, data from the specialized media Scientific American.

Although this is a positive outlook, it should be noted that the infrastructure changes required to support high speeds will take much longer in rural and low-income areas, so these predictions could take years in some countries. There are still people there who have cell phones browsing in 2G. The process continues uneven and large investments are coming to achieve 100% connectivity in 5G.


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